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This pack includes most of the Descent Manager tools. (Excludes CampEdit and FSMView; which I will add later)
To install the .exes, simply run them AFTER you install the DLL pack. If prompted about the DLL pack installer replacing newer files with older ones, KEEP THE NEW FILES.
Descent Manager DLL Pack (dp2003.exe) - INSTALL THIS FIRST! This DLL pack is required to use all of the Descent Manager tools.
AniBuilder (anib32b1.exe) - Whether you are making new command briefing animations or a new talking head for in-game message you'll need a program to stitch the individual frames together into an ani file if you want it to work with retail FS2.
AniViewer (aniview11.exe) - Allows you to playback ani files without running the game.
ModelView (modv32b2.exe) - One of the most useful and versatile programs you can get. Unlike all the other programs that will let you see the FS2 ships without running the game ModelView will allow you open a VP file and browse through all the ships inside without the need to extract and open them up in a separate program. In addition to this ModelView also has some quite powerful pof editing functions (including the ability to change FS1 pofs into ones suitable for FS2) and even has a built in cob to pof converter. If you're getting into ship modding of any sort ModelView is pretty much a must have.
ModelView High Limits (modviw32.zip) - A version of ModelView that has been fixed to deal with the high poly models that FS2_Open can use. Download and install the standard version first and then copy this new exe over the top.
PilotView (pil32b1b.exe) - Retail Only - Allows you view your pilot and see how many points he needs to reach the next rank. Changes to the pilot file in FS2_Open mean that this program will not work for pilots created with FS2_Open.
VPView (vpview13.exe) - For any kind of serious modding or FREDding work the ability to get into the VP files that contain the FS2 missions and ships is vital. VPView is probably the most popular of the tools you can use for this. The existence of other VP tools means that this isn't quite the must have that it used to be but it is still probably my favourite way of accessing VP files still.
VPView v2.0 (vpvw20b2.exe) - A newer version of VPView. There have been some reports of it struggling with some bigger user created VP files but despite this it is still a useful tool as a lot more of the abilities of other DM tools have been integrated into V2.0.
Download (7 MB)
Downloads on the old fsmods site: 1964